Star Wars vs Star Trek (Part One)

Star Wars vs Star Trek (Part 1)
Yes they are different! Of course they’re different! GOSH!
To say that Star Wars and Star Trek fans have very polarizing opinions about their respective franchises is an understatement. I am a huge fan of both franchises. Yes it is possible to be a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek. I have dipped my feet into the pools of both fandoms throughout my life and it has taken me a long time to figure out why both fandoms are at such loggerheads. So over the next two days I will explain my theory as to why both Star Wars and Star Trek are so different, why the fandoms clash, and both of their astonishing contributions to the world of science fiction and reality.
Star Trek
Gene Roddenberry was a veteran of World War 2 and just like every other veteran of that war, he experienced first hand the worst of what the human race was capable of. After returning home he became a pilot for Pan American Airways. Eventually he decided that he wanted to pursue his dream of becoming a writer and quit his job as a pilot and moved to Los Angeles. He paid his bills by working for the LAPD working in pubic relations. I just wanted to give you a brief bio of Gene Roddenberry, because his experiences in life directly influenced what Star Trek would eventually become.
In 1964 after achieving mild success in Hollywood as a tv writer he wrote a pitch for Star Trek. He sent it all over Hollywood and it was rejected by everyone. Except for one up and coming studio called Desilu. Which happened to be the studio that Lucile Ball and Desi Arnaz created, their most notable show was of course I Love Lucy. Instead of allowing Roddenberry to create a single pilot episode they hired Roddenberry as a producer, essentially giving him his big Hollywood break. They produced thirteen episodes of Star Trek the Original Series and it did well enough for it to be picked up as a series. They made two more seasons after that, 79 episodes in total but the show was far from a hit. It was very much ahead of its time and was canceled in 1969. However, thats not where this story ends.
In 1970 Star Trek began a new life in syndication. It was broadcast in the late afternoon and early evenings and became a hit with college students. What we haven’t talked about yet is the message of Star Trek. Roddenberry having experienced War the way he did wanted to see an optimistic future. His entire life the country was in someway shape or form at war. In 1970 one of the most important things being discussed on college campuses was the Vietnam War. Many of them were worried and concerned about if they would be drafted when they graduated, or if their family and friends would be drafted. So now Star Trek is on the air and it opens with Willam Shatner saying…….
“Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!”
Star Treks message was very much one of peace. Now of course there are space battles and bad guys. It still needs to be entertaining. However the root message of the show was about exploration. Star Trek wasn’t an alternative universe, its just us in the distant future. We had just landed on the moon the year before so it really captured the imaginations of the college students watching. They really thought that this could be our future. During its syndication it became so wildly popular that it was syndicated in 100 American cities and 60 countries around the world. At the time that was extraordinary. In 1972 the first Star Trek convention was held in New York City. The rest is history, eight spinoff television series and thirteen movies later, people still really seem to love Star Trek.
Star Treks Influence on the Real World
Like I said I think the thing with Star Trek is that people really love the optimistic message that it brings. The human race isn’t a war mongering species. We have evolved and become focused on exploring the universe.
It’s also difficult to deny Star Treks ability to predict the future or directly influence inventions to come.
This is a list of things that didn’t exist or weren’t even considered when Star Trek first aired, that now exist today.
Tricorders (there’s also an X Prize for that)
Voice interface computers (Siri, Alexa, etc.)
Bluetooth headsets (Uhura had one first)
Portable memory (from floppy disks to USB sticks)
Biometric data tracking for health and verifying identity
VISOR bionic eyes for the blind
Heres a link to the full list.
It’s hard to say whether or not these inventions would exist without Star Trek. What I do know is that some of the inventors of those things do cite Star Trek as their inspiration and many famous inventors, scientists, astronauts, writers, and doctors all credit Star Trek for going into their respective fields. Needless to say I am still waiting on the replicators and warp drive.
Star Trek vs Star Wars
There is an opinion that I happen to agree with regarding the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek and their fans in particular. It’s not that one is better than the other. It’s that Star Trek is deeply rooted in science and Star Wars is deeply rooted in its own lore and history. Star Trek fans are typically cerebral and serious people and Star Wars people are typically industrious and creative. I know thats a blanket statement and opinion. Yes both sides have creative people and both sides have cerebral people. Oh boy I’m definitely going to get into trouble from both fandoms now.
End of Part 1.
Tomorrow will be about Star Wars.