Welcome to Pantology Weekly

What is Pantology?
Pantology is “a systematic view of all human knowledge”. Thats it, end of post, there is no reason to go any further. You now know what pantology is, go forward an learn everything.
You’re still here? Why are you still here?
Oh, you want to know what Pantology Weekly means? Alright, well that requires a longer and more detailed explanation and a bit of an introduction to my mind.
I was born in October of 1989…too far back?
For as long as I can remember I have always questioned everything, much to the chagrin of my family, teachers, professors, and friends. Standard, textbook, and packaged explanations were never enough for me. Not in the rebel “always question authority man” attitude, but in a “thats fascinating but I need to know more.”
Teacher: “Columbus sailed the ocean blue in fourteen hundred and ninety two.”
Me: “What kind of ship did he use?”
Teacher: “Well he actually lead three ships, The Nina, The Pinta, and the Santa Maria.”
Me: “No, what KIND of ships did they use? Were they big? How big? Were they sailboats? How many people did they hold? ALSO if Columbus discovered America why isn’t it named after him?”
Teacher: “See me after class!”
Me: “But, what did I….”
Teacher: “SEE ME After Class Mr. Pezzino!”
Me: *mumbles under breath* “aww man, she probably doesn’t know the answers any way because she’s stup…”
Teacher: “What was that?!”
Me: “Nothing! Nothing! Columbus sailed the ocean blue in fourteen hundred and ninety two”
For me its the details and the underlying stories that always end up being more interesting. The people behind the scenes who don’t get the glory. I also often find that people take things for granted and just assume things are a certain way because “that just how it is!” But a lot of people don’t take the time to understand and appreciate things, at least the way I do. Why do we shake each others hands? Because “back in the day” you would shake a persons hand as a sign of trust. You couldn’t draw your sword on someone if you were shaking their hand. Why do soldiers salute? Again its a sign of respect. It symbolizes lifting the visor of a helmet to see who you were fighting or fighting with. Why do people drive on the left side of the road in most European countries? You guessed it! Its a “back in the day” thing. Most people are right handed. So most historians believe that the concept of staying to the left comes from the idea that if you were to come upon someone on the road you would be better prepared to act defensively and draw your sword.
I love trivial information. I like to say that I am a cornucopia of useless information. But that all stems from how I can obsess over a topic and pick out what I feel is the juiciest and most interesting pieces of information. I will never claim that I am an expert. I will say that there are topics that I am more well versed on than others, but for the most part I am proud to say that there are few topics that I don’t know a little bit about. I cannot be braggadocios about many things, but I do fancy myself an encyclopedia of trivial information. Much to my dismay though, I have only been able to win HQ Trivia once, and the fact that I only won thirteen cents means it was an easy day!
Finally to the point. I want you to go on weekly journeys with me. Each week I will explore a new topic, each day analyzing a different part of the topic that interests me. Again I don’t claim to be an expert. I fancy myself to be an explorer, a pantologist if you will. Every week will simply be an exploration of what I find to be the most interesting bits of everything, and I hope you will too.
- Sal